
10 Work From Home Gift Ideas For Tech-Savvy Friends

Can you imagine a workplace where your workstation is full of the latest tech gadgets? One that looks like your friend’s personal office? Well, it might not be as far fetched as it seems. With the trend to work and play together, people feel less inclined to keep their workspace just for business.

So if you want to show your friend how much you care about them – or just want to give them a fantastic gift for their office – check out these ten gift ideas for the working-from-home set.

1. Charging station

Do you hate to charge your cellphone while it’s in use? One of the best ways to look professorial is with a charging station, especially if you have an iPhone. You can charge your phone while working and looking at its photo gallery (as long as you don’t mind showing off how much better yours is).

Plus, these are versatile for other electronic devices too.

2. Evernote Moleskine notebook

This gift idea combines two of the latest trends: e-cords and taking notes on paper. This little notebook is a mix between Evernote and Moleskine. It has the look and feel of a Moleskine (which you can personalize with engravings), but it comes with a downloadable kit for Evernote, which helps you sync your notes to your account and save them in the cloud.

3. Virtual desk

You don’t have to use a “virtual desk” to work from home. Ample, open space is enough to make it feel like you’re in the office, and you can get an electric bill for the signal that comes through the window. However, if money is tight and you really want to make your workspace feel more like a workstation.

4. Desk toys

Why not turn your desk into a play area like a child’s? There are plenty of activity tables you can buy, or you can even invest in an adjustable chair from Ikea that has toys built into the seat. Or start small by providing some office supplies and helping to set up the room as a little “hobby” room.

5. Skincare gift set

Skincare is a must-have (especially if you work from home). Make sure your friends know they should never neglect their skin health, especially as they age.

You can even get them a gift set with all the essentials – soap, moisturizer, and toner to keep that skin nice and young. This is also one of those gift ideas that you can use yourself to. Don't forget your bearded friends. For them, you'll definitely want to get something that exfoliates and moisturizes skin for that smooth mane.

6. Workout gear

Walking from room to room to work is a workout in itself (and it’s good for you). So if you want your friend to get some exercise, get him some workout gear. If he works at home in casual clothes, he might be more prone to skip gym time.

7. Hard drive

There are several big-name hard drives out there that can store up to a terabyte’s worth of media. This is one of the best gift ideas for any music lover since many digital music players are formatted to only play songs in that format.

It might be hard for him to find room for all his music – so why not get him a large (and cheap) external drive to store it?

8. FitBit

Do you want to keep track of all your achievements? Get your friend a FitBit. They can show off all their walking (or lack thereof), and calories burned to friends and family, as well as make sure they don’t eat too many calories. It’s also a great way to get them moving.

9. Personalized mouse pad

Who can resist a cute mouse pad? Especially if you custom it with the name of their loved one. Plus, your mouse pad will be used to keep any rogue crumbs inside its boundaries.

10. Apple TV

Sure, you can ask your friend to send you gifts for Christmas– but who doesn’t want to get an Apple product for their birthday?

This is especially true if your friend already has a smartphone and wants to watch Netflix. Also, this is one of those gifts in a box that shows you put some thought into it – and you might have a chance to show off your expertise in tech as well.

Wrap up

There you have it -- 10 gift ideas for the tech-savvy office. If you want to show your friends how much you care, the best way is to pick one of their favorite hobbies that they can enjoy even more now that they have time.

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